Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cognos Help Resources

For those of you interested in Business Intelligence (BI) software, here are a few links relevant for IBM Cognos 8 BI:


Most of the support or help information on the Cognos site requires a login and password.

Supportlink is published frequently and includes some interesting tips and techniques

The main Cognos support site, the Knowledge Base is a useful tool

Customer Resource Center - Report Author Section contains more detailed documents on different subjects and techniques


Cognos Centered community, here's the link to the forums:


Some Cognos related forums, take a look at the forum list for other products


Another Cognos related forum

Monday, August 18, 2008

DPR Requirements Relating to Government of Canada Outcome Areas

When writing the Departmental Performance Report, a link between the department’s strategic outcomes and the Whole-of-Government Framework must be established. An explanation of how the department’s strategic outcomes are aligned with Government of Canada outcome areas. This should be done in Section 1: Overview under the Summary Information heading.

From the Template Instructions for Departmental Performance Reports (

“a summary status on the department’s performance in achieving their strategic outcome(s) and program activity expected results. The Summary Information table is mandatory and must be followed by a narrative section. The narrative section is to provide an overall description of the department’s performance for 2007–08. All key elements provided in the summary table must be explained. This section should provide the department’s overall performance in relation to the previously set priorities; indicate the progress made towards departmental strategic outcomes and how it is supported by the program activities; and outline how the departmental strategic outcomes contribute to broader government-wide objectives.”

“the description of the departmental context must also include a discussion of how departmental strategic outcomes are aligned with Government of Canada outcome areas. For more information on current outcome areas or Canada’s Performance and the RPP Overview for Parliamentarians website, departments can consult the “Whole of Government Framework” instructions online at (see the contact list at the end of the Guide to the Preparation of Part III of the 2007–08 Estimates).”

Here is a link to the Template Instructions for Departmental Performance Reports (PDF and RTF version available by clicking on the links at the bottom of the menu on the left side):

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Whole-of-Government Framework

The Whole-of-Government Framework can be found here:

It looks something like this:

I'm no expert, but it doesn't look like it's accessible for the visually impaired.

The following page explains in more detail how it works/how it is used:

The Government’s Priorities

The Government’s 5 priorities are:

A Proud and Sovereign Canada

There is nothing more fundamental than the protection of our nation’s sovereignty and security. The Government will rigorously defend Canada’s place in the world including through the realization of our strong Arctic vision and a responsible, effective path forward in Afghanistan.

A Strong Federation

Canada is more united today than it has been in 40 years. The Government will continue to strengthen the federation – and modernize its democratic institutions – through measures including formal limits on federal spending power and long-overdue reform of the Senate.

A Prosperous Future

Canada cannot be complacent about the continued growth of its economy. The Government will provide effective economic leadership and a prosperous future by aggressively moving forward with broad tax relief that includes a further promised reduction in the GST.

A Safe and Secure Canada

Canadians want their safe streets and communities back. The Government will continue to tackle crime and strengthen the security of Canadians by reintroducing important crime legislation with the new a Tackling Violent Crime Bill, and by putting a strong focus on safe communities and youth and property crime.

A Healthy Environment for Canadians

Canada’s environmental and health standards are already among the highest on Earth. The Government will continue to improve the environment and health of Canadians by delivering realistic and achievable results in areas such as environmental enforcement and product and food safety.
